How to Distinguish FAKE UV Sanitizer and LEXUMA XGerm Portable UV Sanitizer?

By Marketing Lexuma 0 comments

As the outbreak of COVID-19, most of you know that routine cleaning of high-touch surfaces should be undertaken at least daily. But do you know how to identify the useful disinfectant that fits your needs? In Hong Kong, there are some businesses are selling fake UV phone sanitizer that the exterior design are same as Lexuma XGerm UV phone sanitizer. 409Shop owner has revealed the differences between two machines in this video.


【409Shop 拆解真假紫外線消毒器—無牌低價消毒器 及LEXUMA XGerm多功能紫外線消毒器的分別】 現時市面上充斥大量消毒產品,你又知唔知如何分辨真假紫外線消毒器? 本地零售店舖出售的紫外線消毒器種類及功能繁多,價格也有十分多選擇,由數十元到數百元不等。 價值數十元但無牌的紫外線消毒器以及由本地公司設計的價值數百元的紫外線消毒器 兩者你會如何選擇? 409Shop 店主在片中為你拆解無牌紫外線消毒器與Lexuma XGerm 三合一便攜式紫外線消毒器,教你分辨真與假。


More Details About LEXUMA XGerm: Check out Lexuma

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