Lexuma XMount infrared smartphone car mount is now available on Father's Day Featured Product Promotion on Price.com.
Father’s day is soon to come!
Do you have any idea on preparing the gift for your dad?
Price.com has launched a Father’s Day Featured Product promotion with various attractive discounts from 28 May to 20 June.
Lexuma XMount must be a suitable gift for the driver.
With this automatic infrared sensor Qi wireless car charger mount, they can free their hand from holding the phone when using the navigation app.
You can enjoy a premium discount on Lexuma XMount starting from 12pm on June 3rd.
There are three rounds of discount and each of them have a limited quota, order now to enjoy the best deal!
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If you want to know more about the discount of Lexuma XMount on Price.com, please click here.

Price.com 推出了父親節獻禮精選產品,由5月28日至6月20日,每日中午12點推出不同限量優惠,先到先得。
Lexuma XMount 於 6月3日 中午12 點開始 推出三輪優惠折扣,數量有限。
Lexuma XMount 方便駕駛者固定電話在可視範圍,安全地使用手提電話,特別是隨時更新導航的路綫方向。
記得like 我們的Facebook 專頁(@LexumaOfficial) 和 Instagram 專頁 (@lexuma_tec),繼續留意我們的最新資訊,以免錯過Lexuma最新最抵的優惠。
如想瞭解更多關於Lexuma Xmount 在Price.com 父親節獻禮活動 的優惠資訊,請按此。
More Product Details 更多產品資料:
Lexuma XMount - Ultra Automatic Qi Wireless Fast Charging Car Mount 紅外線全自動Qi無線快充電話車架