Reviews on Lexuma X2O water repellent spray by 409ShopHK
Recently, our cooperating company 409ShopHK has reviewed our water repellent spray and creates a video to show the application of X2O.
Lexuma X2O can provide a waterproof layer formed by Nano particles which will repel liquid molecules. No moisture or water can get into devices through small openings. This is because of nanotechnology, the chemical theory that we used in X2O waterproof spray. X2O can provide IPX4 or IPX7 waterproof protection.
From the application method done by 409ShopHK, it is a IPX7 waterproof protection. Once you apply X2O on your electronic devices and the main board of the devices, the hydrophobic nano-coating is micro-thin and not visible to the human eye. With the coating covering even internal components, water simply flows right through without coming into contact with any electronic components. Therefore, you can see from the video, even if the electronic device is fully cover by water for seconds, it is still perfect to use.
The materials that we have used in X2O are environmental friendly and safe. All the materials are 100% non toxic and safe to use. The compressed gas is also environmental friendly.
We care about users' skin and physical health which all of our waterproof products are safe to use. X2O spray is your perfect choice and it is also perfect for the environment. Get Lexuma X2O NOW and save your electronic devices!
The whole application video are now available on Facebook. Check out how Lexuma X2O is better than other waterproof spray!

辣數碼的其中一名合作夥伴 - 409ShopHK最近測試了本公司的X2O防水噴霧,片段中測試了X2O的IPX7的防水技術。X2O運用了最新的納米技術,納米防水塗層在電子產品中形成保護膜,隔絕水分對電子產品所造成的損害,例如金屬部件短路和生鏽。這樣有效延長電子產品或機器的壽命,減低維修費用。在片段中我們可以看見,被噴上X2O防水噴霧的電子產品即使放在水中,仍然可以正常運作。本公司十分注重客人的健康,因此X2O所采用的製作材料均對人體無害,並十分環保。因此,辣數碼X2O防水噴霧絕對是你的最佳防水產品!現在就到Facebook觀看完整的測試片段,並到我們的網站瞭解更多X2O防水噴霧。